Friday, December 20, 2013


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An array is a collection of data elements of same data type. It is described by a single name and each element of an array is referenced by using array name and its subscript no.

Declaration of Array

Type arrayName[numberOfElements];
For example,
int Age[5] ;
float cost[30];
array c++

Initialization of One Dimensional Array

An array can be initialized along with declaration. For array initialization it is required to place the elements separated by commas enclosed within braces.
int A[5] = {11,2,23,4,15};
It is possible to leave the array size open. The compiler will count the array size.
int B[] = {6,7,8,9,15,12};

Referring to Array Elements

In any point of a program in which an array is visible, we can access the value of any of its elements individually as if it was a normal variable, thus being able to both read and modify its value. The format is as simple as:

cout<<age[4];      //print an array element
age[4]=55;         // assign value to an array element
cin>>age[4];       //input element 4

Using Loop to input an Array from user

int age [10], i ;
for (i=0 ; i<10; i++)

Arrays as Parameters

At some moment we may need to pass an array to a function as a parameter. In C++ it is not possible to pass a complete block of memory by value as a parameter to a function, but we are allowed to pass its address.
For example, the following function:
void print(int A[])
accepts a parameter of type "array of int" called A.
In order to pass to this function an array declared as:
int arr[20];
we need to write a call like this:
Here is a complete example: 
#include <iostream.h>
void print(int A[], int length)
  for (int n=0; n<length; n++)
    cout << A[n] << " ";
  cout << "\n";
int main ()
  int arr[] = {5, 10, 15};
  return 0;

Basic Operation On One Dimensional Array

Function to traverse the array A

void display(int A[], int n)
       cout<<"The elements of the array are:\n";
       for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

Function to Read elements of the array A

void Input(int A[], int n)
      cout<<"Enter the elements:";
      for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

Function to Search for an element from A by Linear Search

int Lsearch(int A[], int n, int Data)
      int I;
      for(I=0; I<n; I++)
                  cout<<"Data Found at : "<<I;
      cout<<"Data Not Found in the array"<<endl;

Function to Search for an element from Array A by Binary Search

int BsearchAsc(int A[], int n, int data)
       int Mid,Lbound=0,Ubound=n-1,Found=0;
       while((Lbound<=Ubound) && !(Found))
              Mid=(Lbound+Ubound)/2;        //Searching The Item
              else if(data<A[Mid])
              return(Mid+1);        //returning 1ocation, if present
              return(-1);        //returning -1,if not present

Function to Sort the array A by Bubble Sort

void BSort(int A[], int n)
    int I,J,Temp;
    for(I=0;I<n-1;I++) //sorting
               Temp=A[J]; //swapping

Function to Sort the array ARR by Insertion Sort

void ISort(int A[], int n)
       int I,J,Temp;
       for(I=1;I<n;I++) //sorting
           while((Temp<A[J]) && (J>=0))

Function to Sort the array by Selection Sort

void SSort(int A[], int n)
    int I,J,Temp,Small;
         for(J=I+1;J<n;J++) //finding the smallest element
            Temp=A[I]; //Swapping

Function to merge A and B arrays of lengths N and M

void Merge(int A[], int B[], int C[], int N, int M, int &K)
      int I=0, J=0;
      K=0;             //Initialisation of counters for A, B, and C
      while (I<N && J<M)
            if (A[I]<B[J])
            else if (A[I]>B[J])
      for (int T=I;T<N;T++)
      for (T=J;T<M;T++)

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  1. Very informative!! helps a lot.

    1. thank you
      thank you very much for admiring our work
