Thursday, December 26, 2013

Assignment 4.2: User Defined Function Set 2 SOLUTION

user defined function
[SET – 2]

Write a program that lets the user perform arithmetic operations on two numbers. Your program must be menu driven, allowing the user to select the operation (+, -, *, or /) and input the numbers. Furthermore, your program must consist of following functions:
1. Function showChoice: This function shows the options to the user and explains how to enter data.
2. Function add: This function accepts two number as arguments and returns sum.
3. Function subtract: This function accepts two number as arguments and returns their difference.
4. Function multiply: This function accepts two number as arguments and returns product.
5. Function divide: This function accepts two number as arguments and returns quotient. 
#include <iostream.h>

void showChoices();
float add(float, float);
float subtract(float, float);
float multiply(float, float);
float divide(float, float);

int main()
 float x, y;
 int choice;
  cin >> choice;
  switch (choice)
  case 1:
   cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
   cin >> x >> y;
   cout << "Sum " << add(x,y) <<endl;
  case 2:
   cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
   cin >> x >> y;
   cout << "Difference " << subtract(x,y) <<endl;
  case 3:
   cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
   cin >> x >> y;
   cout << "Product " << multiply(x,y) <<endl;
  case 4:
   cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
   cin >> x >> y;
   cout << "Quotient " << divide(x,y) <<endl;
  case 5:
   cout << "Invalid input" << endl;
 }while (choice != 5);

 return 0;

void showChoices()
 cout << "MENU" << endl;
 cout << "1: Add " << endl;
 cout << "2: Subtract" << endl;
 cout << "3: Multiply " << endl;
 cout << "4: Divide " << endl;
 cout << "5: Exit " << endl;
 cout << "Enter your choice :";

float add(float a, float b)
 return a+b;

float subtract(float a, float b)
 return a-b;

float multiply(float a, float b)
 return a*b;

float divide(float a, float b)
 return a/b;

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